Monday, September 5, 2011

Can I get your number?

Have you ever noticed how much information it takes to simply ‘check out’ at any given store these days!? Gee!!! Merchants want a zip code, your email AND TAKE A SURVEY! I get SO ANNOYED and try my best to “Keep it Classy” – I NEVER GIVE MY INFO! (Anymore)  I made that mistake and managed to land on every telemarketers list – I don’t bother answering my home phone.

Is it just “me” or is paying a bill over the phone like pulling teeth without any medication!!! They want to confirm street address, email, home phone, cell phone, mother’s maiden name, etc.!!! GRRR. (I’m building up my point, bear with me)- 

So, the other day I have a return to make at a department store….. WHY they were not staffed at 5pm is BEYOND ME, as they had only ONE LANE and cashier working.  Add to the mix my assistant, Baby Nicholas and a 20 min  5 min line and you have an EPIC DISASTER.
Not me, but a random google image

FINALLY….  It’s my turn! I hear a voice from the distance offer an s.o.s!  “I’m happy to help the next one in line” Delight! I approach Jr. Justin Bieber and explain I have a return. “Your baby is a cutie” he says no time for chit chat Biebs, get me outta here!!), I kindly reply “thanks” and I place my item and receipt on the counter. This is where it gets good,,,,,,,, He asks me “Can I get your number?" (Totally thrown off guard and FORGETTING the agenda of ‘merchants’ gathering information on consumers) I pause, smile, pause again, flutter my eyes in disbelief ( I gotta let him 'down' easy, I don't wanna crush his heart), I say “I’m a happily married woman!!” With a puzzled look, Jr. Justin replies “I need your number for the return 

Insert sudden death here!

OMG!  I laughed so hard and so did, oh, I don’t know, EVERYONE within the sound of my voice!!!  - Longest transaction of my life! I hope I NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN!!!!!!