Saturday, November 27, 2010

The MOST wonderful time of the year AND a new memory for the kids!

For me Christmas is all about fostering family traditions and welcoming new ones. As a little girl I have many great memories of the holiday season that I will forever cherish.  As a mommy, this time of year is simply marvelous!!! I take my role as ‘tradition maker’ verrrrrrrrry seriously! What a great honor it is to create and capture memories for my children to not only have for themselves,  but to  pass down to my grandchildren one day (have I mentioned I would like a bus load of grand babies?) 

 I’m one of *those* off season shoppers…. I love a good deal and can hardly pass one up! What girl doesn’t right? It’s nothing for me to bring home a Christmas tree in the month of May! Imagine the look on my Jamezee’s face when I need his help with such a project in May! Haa

Here is one of my “fabu-less” finds today

Imagine the life this bowl has already lived, the baby showers, weddings, graduations, the array of yummy and refreshing drinks shared between family and friends! NOW MINE 
Oh, vintage punch bowl, with twenty (make that 19 cups after the car ride home), to share :(  I promise to renew your life!! THE BEST $4.00 bucks EVER!! :(


With Christmas music on, our official “lets get the tree out” snowman mugs, we were ready to welcome in the short, yet spectacular Christmas season. This year for me is so precious as Baby Nicholas (The Saint), is mobile! It’s a wonderful sight to see him run around with ribbons and bows, rattling bells, scrunching tissues paper, and simply being a curious little monkey!  

 I’ve had to re-visit almost everything in terms of decorating to ensure it’s fun and safe for him too.  The past few years I’ve assembled a themed tree (now called snowflake violence after the epic accident tonight... story to follow), and this year I’m not able to use all of the delicate trinkets I’ve collected. Tucked away this year, are my gorgeous glass globes and radiant crystals! After my moment of silence, I realized the next time I get such ornaments out; I will no longer have a baby running around!!! I WISH YOU A LONG SHELF LIFE!!! Haa

What did make the cut this year:

"Oprah" as named by Annamarie! She tops our family tree. This year I created a "new" and "priceless" memory as I decided I'd stand on James' drum stool to place her - NOT the brightest idea I've ever had... My knee and ankle are swollen and it's painful to walk still. Thankfully my teeth were spared as I took a nose dive right into the tree and onto the floor. 

This is Frankie and Nicholas Beppe's Tree: "KU / Sport theme"

 I just love the baseball cards and little ornaments Frankie has picked out over the years like: 

When I was expecting my little miracle baby, Nicholas Beppe I found this one: It has a rainbow and It says "God keeps his promises.... YES SIR HE DOES!!!!

Here is Miss Annamarie's Tree: She calls it "Crystal Snow" Too Cute!!

Miss Bella loves all things Girlie and Random.... We had so much fun working on her tree. Miss Bella is one special lady and I'm so blessed to be her MOMMY!

Here is the resident Diva Jomarie's Tree... I think she's going with "Vegas Christmas"??
Jo is so precious and has a slight touch of O.C.D... (I wonder where she gets that from?), every ornament and ribbon had to be PERFECT .... JUST LIKE HER
 I just adore the elephant ballerina... so darling!

I will add that I NEVER pay full price for any of my stuff. I gather stuff all year round... Today, my friend Jane delivered some enormous pine cones that await some spray and bling! I can't WAIT!!! 

Gotta run, gonna try out my punch bowl Oh Jamezeeeeeeeee